
Hey can any1 tell me which is better xbox 360 or ps3 ?

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I have the ps3 but i rly want the xbox 360 and i dont know if its worth it thanks!!!! for your replies

PLZ HELP THANX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. ps 3 is better ne day...but the price it comes at is too steep for indian it doesnt really make a difference which console u have if u dun have a good TV with HDMI support like xbox 360 is cheap and has a lot of games u'd love to play :D

  2. i have had both xbox elite and ps3. got rid of my xbox but know i which i didnt. put playin cod 4 and other games on both there is no difference ppl go on abut live but its just everyone has got a headset and so it can be funnier. wat i wud  do is see wat ure mates have got tht really does count my mates on ps3 are all borin but the ones on xbox are like jokers of the year so it was really funny. espically know with the new xbox price cut i think it is goin down by 50 dollars of september 7th it is defonitly worht a look im probably gonna but another xbox.

  3. we have a x-box 360 elite system and totally love it. Games and graphics are great and the price isn't too bad. Achievements make it a lot of fun too.

  4. ps3 is much better than xbox360.

    it is not popular just because of its higher price

  5. I would choose the ps3 all the way. TH ps3 has cool games that xbox360 does not hyave. Such as god of war 3, little big planet, kill zone 2, kill zone 1, resistance 2, and the new HOME(this is free and you can chat with your friends, for more go to youtube and type in "ps3 home". The ps3 controllers have six-axis which is cool in army of two for controlling parachute. The ps3 has a builit in blue-ray. So its like a free dvd player!!!! The ps3 store has downloadable games and can buy,download, or rent movies and games.

    The xbox360 the controllers have to be recharged on batteries which meanes u have to spent a ton of $$$ on batteries. The xbox360 controllers are heavier which means you dont feel as confortable player your games.

    Go to youtube and type in ps3 HOME AMAMZING THINGS!!

    You should gety these following games: Call of duty 4, call of duty 5, army of two, god of war 3, and many more

  6. We expected the PlayStation 3 to ship with several games that first appeared on the Xbox 360, similar to how the Xbox 360 had a lot of Xbox ports at launch. And the PS3 did indeed arrive with a good number of games that originally shipped for the Xbox 360. This gave us the perfect opportunity to compare the graphics on both systems with several cross-platform games. You'd think that the PS3 versions would be exactly the same or slightly superior to the Xbox 360 versions, since many of these games appeared on the 360 months ago, but it seems like developers didn't use the extra time to polish up the graphics for the PS3. We found that the Xbox 360 actually had better graphics in the majority of the games we compared.

    Need for Speed Carbon

    Both systems have fairly similar graphics in Need for Speed Carbon, but the Xbox 360 has better lighting while the PS3 has sharper textures. The 360 has better high dynamic range lighting in the Camaro image. We're not sure if the PS3 version blurs the background tree leaves on purpose, but it's another noticeable difference. The lighting in the street shot appears more realistic on the 360, but the building textures are sharper on the PS3. We also seem to be missing some lighting and a few landmarks in the rearview mirror of the PS3 version.  

  7. PS 3 is best  

  8. ps3 because its coming out wit amazing games

  9. Ps3 all the Way!!!!

  10. 360 online sucks, u gotta pay the subs.. so i'd go for ps3.

  11. The PS3 online network is c**p although you pay to play online with the 360 the online service is smooth the PS3 cant compare there i was going to get a PS3 but it turns out it is just very attractive and offers nothing more. every game on the PS3 the 360 has it too and much more just a couple games are exclusive for the PS3 and one of the best est one is MGS4, but Konami revealed that it will be coming for the 360 soon :o - dilemma over  

  12. PS3 BETTER

    360 CHEAPER

  13. It really depends on what you want and how much you're willing to spend. PS3 is ridiculously expensive, but has a nifty blue ray player (useless). Xbox 360 is a whole lot cheaper and honestly I prefer online gaming on the Xbox. Sony had a chance to do something amazing, but they failed drastically. The Ps3 was reported to have a lot of problems including freezing and controller quality. I personally would go with the Xbox 360. They are way more reliable. The games are better and online play beats all systems without a second thought. If you have the money to buy a Ps3 used at your friendly Gamestop. They have a cool little 30 day policy for returns. If you like the Ps3 and see no significant problems with it, congratulations you got yourself a PS3, but if you do find problem  then you can take it back and get your full money back and try the same thing with the Xbox 360. All in all the Ps3 has a blue ray player and it's the size of two VCRs from 1992. Go with the xbox 360, the online community alone is far better than a blue ray player.  

  14. Xbox 360 is better it has better games and has a wide xbox live community with lots of people to play with from around the world.

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