
Hey.can anyone help me? I'm not 2 into politics so idk but can ne1 tell me what mccain stands up for? beliefs?

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I'm not exactly sure what he stands up for? I kinda wanna know so that I'm actually informed about it this year. I'm actually interested. I want to make sure I'm rooting for someone that makes sense. ya know?




  1. McCain stands for war, killing, maiming....and helping out the rich folks.

  2. No, I'm not going to tell you, turn on the TV, dork, and see for yourself.

  3. War, big corporations, the wealthy, lobbyists, etc.

  4. McCain is pro life! This means that McCain and Palin are AGAINST abortion. McCain unlike Obama has experienced actually being on that battle field, he was a POW and was tortured trying to fight for what this country has that others can only dream of. McCain wants to make it easier for families to get health insurance. McCain wants to have a strong military, a necessary component in this dangerous world. McCain wants all weapon owners to use them responsibly. McCain wants to secure the borders to ensure all Americans saftey! That is why yohu should vote for John McCain!

  5. he just feels like he should win because he is white

  6. Just look at Bush, he is 95% identical to McCain.

    If you want to vote for the candidate that "makes sense," vote for Obama.

    The majority of Americans are going to vote for Obama:

  7. First thing you should know:  If you hear biased like "he feels he should win because he's white." don't listen to them.

    Go to:

    I wasn't into politics either, but I believe in this man.  I went to his site and read about him and his stances on the issues and I like what he says.

  8. 1 He stands for less taxes so people and business can be productive and grow.

    2. He stands for your right to bear arms

    3. He stands for protecting this country

    4. He satnds less gov't intrusion upon your life

    And many more

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