
Hey can someone give advice on my situation?

by Guest61351  |  earlier

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Ok so, I got "winked" at on match and I winked back and starting emailing back and forth to this guy. Definitely thought we clicked, probably the first one I actually felt that I clicked with. Anyway he was really wanting to talk to me on the phone, I said I typically dont give my number but if he wanted to give me his that would be fine. He gave me his and we emailed a couple times on our personal email addresses. So anyway we set up a time I would call him and that I was calling from a private number just so he would know it was me when I called. I called at the time, NO ANSWER, so I give him the benefit of the doubt and call back 15 minutes later NO ANSWER. I am like what the h**l. So I write him a quick email on match saying I tried to call no answer oh well. I get no answer from that email. What is up with all this. Oh and I know he got my email too. Opinions please, GUYS OPINIONS MUCH APPRECIATED.




  1. move on sweety get some one better

  2. He panzied out.Either he has never been with a women before or he is an insecure,needy and weak man.He probably wanted to talk to you,but then when you called he got scared and ran away and hid under the covers.Its possible he was talking to more than just you on couldve found someone else.Unless he emails you back with an explanation I'd forget about him and move on.There are way cooler people out there.

  3. There are a few things that could have happened.

    He could have decided that he's no longer interested in you but i highly doubt that. I think that he definitely likes you since he gave you his number.

    the more likely choice, maybe he's scared. this guy could be afraid that you won't like him once you two talk on the phone so he backed out. he might think that he's not as perfect or great as you might have expected him to be and could be scared that you'll no longer be interested in him or accept him for who he is.

    i think that you should give him some time and wait for him to email you back. if he doesn't, then he's not worth you're time. obviously going back on his word is extremely disrespectful. don't email him, let him email you.

    i hope everything works out :)

  4. People on internet dating sites can be so fickle.  I've tried it.  Two guys I dated that I really liked both weren't over their exes.

    Maybe this guy had a change of heart.  You can't expect too much from someone you meet on  I did meet some nice guys but in the end I met someone spontaneously who is great.

    Sounds like this guy is playing games.

    I say leave it, don't try to call or email again, let him do the chasing.

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