
Hey can u find out how long FFXI will last ?

by Guest33467  |  earlier

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my favorite game is FINAL FANTASY 11 but it is online and all online games have to shut down at some point and i have played for 2 years now and i realy dont want it to shut down can you or anyone give me the answer to how long it will last




  1. SE has no intentions of shutting it down. They have stated that they will continue producing new content for as long as people play.

    They have had a pretty steady number of subscribers, a bit over 500,000 for a few years now. The game is still gaining new players in europe and asia, where as in america user base is remaining about the same.

  2. No one can say how long it will last.  If anyone can say, then they can see in the future, and if they can see into the future, I want to ask them what numbers to pick for the Mega-Millions.  

    It will probably stick around for a few more years.  It's still really popular in Japan.

  3. That's not true. Look at the trash-heap that is RuneScape...

    As long as people keep playing, it'll stay up.

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