
Hey dems! Aren't you excited about McCain's VP choice?

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I think he just assured us that Obama's going to the white house!




  1. Agreed. A transparent ploy- a desperate miscalculation. He would have been better off taking Romney and hoping that Obama screwed up somehow.

  2. If you keep repeating it over and over all the simpleton slogans you libs like to repeat...maybe, just maybe sooner of later it will become perceived reality...just say it over and over..oh, and get your prostitute press to report it over and over.....good luck.

  3. She has 0 legislative experience; yet, as VP, she would be the head of the Senate. Thanks, old man, for putting the nail in the coffin for the Republicans this term!

  4. HECK YEA! OBAMA 08!

  5. I couldn't agree more. It's like a slap in the face to womankind. Does McCain think that women will be happy with his choice just because she has a v****a?? Wrong. She is a nobody. The mayor of a town of 6500 people. What great experience. Ridiculous. How are they going to talk about Obama's lack of experience now? They shot themselves in the foot.

    Go Obama!!  

  6. Yes, I am very pleased.  McSame doesn't stand a chance now.

  7. Hehehe...yes!

  8. Dream on, lib!  Not only was she the right choice, even she would make a better President than Obama.  You guys make me laugh.

  9. Sara is a good woman and smart but the world would tear her up. She can't hold her own on the world stage.

  10. from the nasty stuff written on this site, i would say they are pretty nervous

  11. Now don't go on about that. I'm a Democrat, I'm liberal, but Sarah Palin - for now - is a formidable obstacle that the McCain campaign introduced. Things just got harder, not easier.

    Time will tell if it really was a ploy or if Palin can actually hold her own. I'm thinking - and hoping - that she won't be able to, but we're still far from it.

    Don't get complacent Democrats, this election is far from over.

  12. Of course.


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