
Hey do yall think i could sell about 250 yu-gi-oh cards for like 300 dollars.?

by  |  earlier

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i do since i checked out this website called shows the right price for each yu gi oh card.and i counted it up and well i could sell them for about 350 u think if i try to sell them on ebay people would buy em?Oh and if you play runescape join my clan,my account name is cd546424.




  1. I,ll mention em on my website if u like. In fact if anyone wants help with similar stuff,i,ll do the same for them.

    Reason is it will just add more interest and content to my site. This is not spamming as i dont want anything. If it helps someone,and fills a space in my text area thats all i,m interested in.

  2. someone would have to be pretty desparate for them

  3. yeah i dont think so. maybe if you go on ebay and get lucky. if i were you i would hold onto them.

  4. Nope, those cards are pretty much worthless now-a-days. And for $300? No way, nobody likes them any more you could maybe sell them for $100 or something, but they'd be cheap.

  5. ok well it depends who you want to sell them for and if you havent opened a pack sell for more.but make sure to sell them cheap or nobody will want to buy them.oh and the runescape thing well i made one like 4 years ago and i never go on anymore so i wanted to give my stuff away. Add: Snowfall0710  ok i can give you alot.

  6. so what cards do you have? It doesn't matter how many cards you have, it's the price of the single card that counts.

    Let's see if you have crush card virus, you can probably sell it on ebay for 240$.  Dark armed dragon maybe 165$.

    But if you have a bunch of common or super rares thats not worth much, I don't see why anyone would pay any money for them.

    I have over 4,000 commons I got over the years, but who would buy them, I'd let them go for 40$ but still, no body need a giant box of trash cards thats useless, so.

  7. not a chance. people don't buy "used" cards most of the time.

  8. yeah right, i just looked up my cards and its a joke, i mean theyre saying 45 dollars for each piece of exodia, when you can buy the whole set 1st ed ultra rare lob for 30 bucks. dont beleive them, what the card is worth and what people pay are much different

  9. You probably could. But if you want even more cash wait for them to turn into "classics" and that way you might find some fanatic to buy those cards for some good cash.

  10. thts like such a rip off. sell them 4 around $50.

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