
Hey does anyone have or had a rain forest jumper?

by  |  earlier

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Or any king of jumper and how did your baby like it? And does anyone have one for sale they want 70.00 brand new well hope someone can help me out thank you..




  1. Love it, love it, love it! If your able to get the $$$ I would definitely put it towards one of these!

  2. I know your pain but the rainforest collection is a great collection I have the swing and the high chair and it keeps the very amused while you clean bottles fold laundry or what ever

  3. Try craigslist, I always have a lot of luck selling things there.  I don't have that one but my brother and sister-in-law do and my son loves using it when we go over to visit.  I have a different one (hand-me-down) from my first child, otherwise I would have bought that one.

  4. My son has the rainforest jumper and he loves it. As soon as he is in sight of it, he starts reaching out for it and tries jumping before we have him all the way in it.

  5. Yep, we've got the rainforest jumperoo and love it! My son wasn't so keen on it for the first few months, but when he was around 10 months or so, he loved it. My neice has loved jumping in it since she could hold herself up. I think it's worth the money. I'd sell you mine... but we still want 2 or 3 more kids, so I think we'll need it. Maybe try ebay or craigslist?

    Good luck!

  6. We bought the Rainforest Jumperoo when our daughter was 5 months old and she LOVED it right away.  Now at 8.5 months she still loves it.  She can jump pretty hard (still safe) and gets herself into quite a state of laughter - it's so cute!

    Sorry, I can't sell it to you, but for our daughter is was worth the $.  But check Craig's List for used ones in your area.

  7. if you are talking jolly jumper, i just bought the regular 30 dollar blue one that attaches to the door frame, my kids loved it just as much as any fancy one.

    i had the rain forest swing, that thing was 200 bucks. wouldnt spend that much money on a jolly jumper though...the regular ones do the same trick.

  8. Unless you live in an extremely rural area, definitely try craigslist to buy one used.  You cannot be sure that your child will like it (there are plenty on there for sale by parents whose child DIDN'T!)  I've bought 90% of my 7 month old's things used and am so glad.  It's much easier to "lose" $30 on something than pay full price and it not get used much...

  9. I asked for & got the Rainforest Jumperoo for a baby shower present. My theme is Dora the Explorer & Rainforest.My baby's now 8 weeks. She's a little young but her legs are really strong & she always acts like she wants to stand. I put her in it (while holding her) & bounce her up & down a bit. I like it but it seems a bit big. You're supposed to be able to fold it up but it never works for me.

  10. I have the Baby Einstein equivalent and my son loves it - he's not quite 4 months and his toes only just touch the ground, but he loves bouncing up and down in it and it has so many fun activities for him on it I can see he'll enjoy for many months to come!

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