
Hey does anyone know 3 facts on y smoking is bad for everybody?

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  1. worry more about the pollution from your car and the particulate matter from industrial waste

    these were the issues in the 70's but the disinformation push on the deleterious effects of secondhand smoke put all the little sheep back in the pen.bbaaaaadd  bbbaaaaaddd

  2. It turns your lungs black

    It makes you look way older then you are

    It is very hard to reverse either of these

  3. well there's the fact that it makes you smell bad...

    then there's the fact that it stains your teeth and fingers

    then there's the fact that it causes lung cancer...

  4. it's addictive

    it causes mouth ulcers

    it can cause your fingers and the skin around your nose to go yellow from nicotine stains

    it causes wrinkles, from the toxins breaking down the construction of your skin, and from the repeated sucking motions made by your mouth

    it causes lung, mouth, throat cancer, and others

    it makes you smell (and taste) like an ashtray

    it reduces your ability to smell and taste

    it decreases the effectiveness of your immune system, meaning you are more prone to coughs, colds, throat/chest infections, and these problems may last longer than in a non-smoker

  5. How? Cause it is a logical thing that is based on medical results...

    3 things:

    - it gives you cancer

    - it lets your skin aged before time

    - it also kills the people around you

  6. Here is not 3 but 12:

    The top ones are not mentioned which are cancer, and emphysema.

    You stink -- Yes, literally. I don't want to hurt your feelings, but you smell funky, baby. But, you don’t know that, cos you’re so used to it you don’t smell it anymore. And I’m not just talking about your breath. Your hair, your clothes, your skin, your house – even if you don’t smoke in it – it all be stank. Have you ever read The Witches by Roald Dahl? The Witches want to rub out all the children on earth, cos, to witches, they have an unbearable stench. Y’all smokers stink like that, whether you believe it or not. You smell so bad, that non-smokers remark on it when you go back to your cubicle. They wonder if you know. You don’t, of course – if you knew, you would have stopped by now.

    You don’t look cool or s**y -- You used to – back in the day. Not anymore. Smoking is out. When people look at you now, they aren’t thinking you remind them of the Marlboro Man. They’re thinking you remind them of Leisure Suit Larry who still lives two decades in the past and refuses to update his life. The hip crowd doesn’t smoke anymore – put that cigarette down and come play with the cool kids.

    You’re a 2nd class citizen -- All over America – and the EU – the laws are changing. You can’t smoke in theaters, you can’t smoke in restaurants, you can’t smoke in your office building, you can’t smoke at the bus stop, you can’t smoke within 30 feet of a public building, you can’t smoke on a plane, you can’t smoke in most of your friends homes. Cos, see, it’s your business if you want to kill yourself – but it’s no longer ok to kill the rest of us with your second-hand smoke. And let’s not forget…. you stink. Which means you can’t be bringing that into a nice place that doesn’t stink. Are you mad as heck? So don’t take it anymore – quit and come back to first class.

    You’re going to wrinkle twice as bad as Grandma did -- What’s that? You wear SPF 5000 and eat all the best veggies? Good for you. You’re still going to shrivel up and wrinkle like a prune. It’s part of smoking, sorry. Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll just LOVE those big ole' grooves that are gonna highlight your mouth.

    You’re going broke -- What’s it cost for a carton these days? One leg? Two? It’s insane how much Big Tobacco is making off of you. Do you really have nothing better to spend that kind of cash on? Food, maybe? Oh, that’s right, some of you don’t eat. You smoke, instead. Healthy.

    Lots and lots of people think you're cute, but will not date you - cos you smoke -- And I’m one of them. I will not date a smoker. Not even a part time smoker. No way.

    Your food tastes like c**p -- And you don’t even know it, cos your tastebuds have gone whack. You think something tastes good now? Quit smoking for a few months and you’ll wake up one day and realize how much better it all is.

    You can’t smell jack -- You can’t. Which is why you’re walking around reeking of Aramis – cos you have no idea a little dab would have done you.

    Your fingers are turning yellow -- Imagine yourself chatting up a lovely young woman over coffee. As far as you can tell, she’s perfect. You think you could marry this chick. She likes you, too. So much so, she reaches across the table and pats your hand. You look down, totally psyched – this girl wants you! And then you see it – tar stained, brownish-yellow fingers. How s**y is girlfriend now?

    You’re keeping Big Tabacco execs filthy stinking rich -- Do I really need to explain why this one is bad? So there you have

    it. Isabella's reasons to stop smoking.

    See this link:

    Need more?

    10 Overlooked Reasons to Quit Smoking

    If you need more incentive to quit smoking, here are some reasons that you may not know about.

    By Charlene Laino

    WebMD FeatureYou know smoking causes lung cancer, emphysema, and heart disease, but you're still lighting up. To help you get on the wagon, we've compiled a list of little known ways your life can go up in smoke if you don't kick the habit.

    From an increased risk of blindness to a faster decline in mental function, here are 10 compelling -- and often surprising -- reasons to stick to your commitment. And so you don't have to go it alone, we've also put together a step-by-step guide on how to use WebMD Resources to get started. No butts about it!

    Alzheimer's Disease: Smoking Speeds Up Mental Decline

    In the elderly years, the rate of mental decline is up to five times faster in smokers than in nonsmokers, according to a study of 9,200 men and women over age 65.

    Participants took standardized tests used to detect mental impairment when they entered the study and again two years later. Higher rates of mental decline were found in men and women -- and in persons with or without a family history of dementia or Alzheimer's disease, the researchers reported in the March issue of the journal Neurology.

    Smoking likely puts into effect a vicious cycle of artery damage, clotting and increased risk of stroke, causing mental decline, writes researcher A. Ott, MD, a medical microbiologist with Erasmus University Medical Centre in the Netherlands.

    The bottom line: The study provides substantial evidence that chronic tobacco use is harmful to the brain and speeds up onset of Alzheimer's disease, Ott says.

    Lupus: Smoking Raises Risk of Autoimmune Disease

    Smoking cigarettes raises the risk of developing lupus -- but quitting cuts that risk, an analysis of nine studies shows.

    Systemic lupus erythematosus -- known as lupus -- is a chronic autoimmune disease that can cause inflammation, pain, and tissue damage throughout the body. Although some people with lupus have mild symptoms, it can become quite severe.

    For the analysis, Harvard researchers reviewed studies that examined the relationship between cigarette smoking and lupus. Among current smokers, there was "a small but significant increased risk" for the development of lupus, they report. Former smokers did not have this increased risk, according to the study, which appeared in the March issue of Arthritis & Rheumatism.

    SIDS: Maternal Smoking Doubles Risk

    Smoking increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS, a European analysis shows.

    The researchers compared 745 SIDS cases with more than 2,400 live babies for comparison and concluded that just under half of all deaths were attributable to infants sleeping on their stomachs or sides. Roughly 16% of SIDS deaths were linked to bed sharing, but for unknown reasons, bed sharing was particularly risky when the mother smoked. The risk was very small when mothers did not smoke during pregnancy, the researchers say.

    See this link

    to see the rest of this article.

    You asked for 3 you hav 20. Please e-mail me or google "health effects of smoking" for many, many, many more.

    I forgot to answer part of your question.

    How does it effect everyone?

    Look at this link from the Amercan Lung Association about 2nd hand smoke.

    Just in case you need more reasons to quit:

    Be prepared to be grossed out, then look at these pictures.

    Need any more help to quit? My mom died of lung cancer. It was an awful, long drawn out dearth.

    Don't quit! Die a low slow, breathless death. See if anyone cares.

  7. smells bad

  8. somking gives you


    2.ages your skin and body

    3. can be passed through second hand smok

  9. it gives you a hairy tonge and a yellow bubble in your lungs, and a tumur in your brain

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