
Hey:) does anyone know how I can help the Children in Eldorado TX who have been taken into state custody?

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Hey:) does anyone know how I can help the Children in Eldorado TX who have been taken into state custody?




  1. To be honest I do not think there is too much you can do at this point. Those children are all going to have to go through counseling and some serious DEprogramming before anyone can really help them. Yes what was going on behind those walls in Texas was ok to them and their families but we as a whole other society see it as wrong and immoral. All I can suggest is that you go on the texas cps website and see if they have any suggestions as to what the general public can do to help out. OR here is an idea- if you havent made a career choice yet, go into social work and help future children who will be happy to have someone on their side.

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