
Hey everybody in paranormal I have a GOD question?

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i posted this in religion and spirituality but I would like some paranormal input too. I study spiritualism and I have a very christian friend. He is so sweet and i don't want to challenge his beliefs in the least they are so important to him. He lives and breathes GOD andthe bible. But he asks about my beliefs and you know I beliefs in spirits and mediumship and such and vibrational energy and such. Maybe this channel is too scientific but how do you break it to some of your friends that you believe in this type of thing?




  1. My respect for your maturity and tact.

      Seems sometimes the longer the answer, the less valid the arguement becomes.

       The mere fact that you are concerned about your friends reaction, shows a sensitivity.

        If he is as mature as you, he will accept your beliefs and offer some interesting debates.

       If he mocks or ridicules your belief, or launches into a fundamentalist lecture, then he is not worthy to be a friend.

  2. You can always begin the discussion with: "Our belief systems are not same. I am spiritual, not religious."

    This kind of disparity exists within my family. Some of us are spiritual and others are very religious.

    Those that are religious are limited by their Bibles in that nothing else can exist except as defined inside those pages. Those of us that are spiritual are not limited in that way. We know that with God everything is possible!

    Of course it helps that it is common knowledge that Constantine and the Church hierarchies that compiled and edited the books of the Bible in 312 AD kept out any and all references that were mystical or 'paranormal'. The ruling class knew that the people would be easier to control if they believed the Bible when it said that the only way to God or heaven was through the Church. And that is what people believed for the longest time.

    It helps that the spiritual ones (at least in my family) can/do have prophetic dreams, see auras, are telepathic, hear earthquakes, levitate, astral project, see ufos, are clairvoyant, are empathic, can see angels, converse with animals, feel the energy in trees and rocks, etc... knowing fully that these are gifts from a loving God. We are grateful for our lives.

    By example, we are not limited in any way!

  3. i know how awkward it is when people ask why i burn so much incense...

    if they don't bother to ask, don't bother to offer your beliefs.

    if they do ask, just say, "i deal with religion my own way, and i just assign different terms to things you deal with in your own religion." which is true, right? spirits=angels etc... if they press more, then i guess they really want to know, so just tell em straight out.

  4. I used to be into the Bible constantly and church etc,,and I was against the mediums etc..but didn't realize I was one and was doing the same thing that I was against. Be ready to be rejected. I thought all my contact was with God. He probably does too. Does he ever say God speaks to him or answers him?  I thought it was God too...but now I'm not so sure..the way it turned out. I can see that some of the things were someone trying to  warn me...but I didn't understand. Even if he doesn't believe in it and is against it..he still needs to be informed about the paranormal. He doesn't have to participate...but he can get into a lot of trouble thinking everything is coming from God just because he's a Christian.

  5. I sent you an e-mail, but in addition NO ONE should have to defend their beliefs or religion to anyone else.

    God knows how you feel and thst's what counts the most!

  6. Spiritualism and mediumship are an abomination to a Christian. If you are his friend, then he will do everything he can to sway you away from the activities that are going to cause you to burn in h**l forever.

    If you truely value his friendship, then you should read the Bible and learn where he is coming from before you make any moves that will destroy that friendship.

    To a christian, God is the first priority, family is the second and friends are the third.

  7. Here is my personal opinion.  I do not follow a Judeo Christian belief system.  I don't follow a "belief" system at all but that is an entire other subject.

    What you need to understand is that, for the most part, people and Christians are not going to be open, friendly, or accepting if you do not agree with their beliefs.  If you took a sample of 100 people, you are most likely going to MAYBE, just MAYBE get one or two that are tolerant and won't covertly or overtly try to convert you.

    This is how I deal with my own religious concerns:  I do not discuss them.  I find it simply easier by far to not try and overtax the feeble minds of the mass of brainwashed folks.  Don't get me wrong, I have friends who are Christian..even Catholic...but I simply let them yammer on about their own thing and IF asked I simply say that I have my own way of addressing spirituality and that I do not discuss religion, politics, or s*x with friends.  

    If pressed further I simply reply that I do not appreciate the hypocrisy of those who go to church every week yet still engage in all the behaviors they claim to be so evil.  I put down the gossipers and the petty power plays and vain ones and point to all the pseudo christians and most likely they have run into plenty of those themselves and will agree with you.  Once they feel you might agree with them and just don't go to church they usually leave you alone.

    THEN, find a nice like minded group of philosophers, agnostics, Satanists, or whatevers that you can speak freely with and debate with and discuss.  Keep them seperated and simply remember that certain mixed discussion just isn't really worth it.  I like to put it this way:  you might talk about the most intimate indelicate details of your anatomy with a close lover but you would never discuss that with your pals on the soccer team or your coworker.  The same with your religion.  Keep your intimates to yourself and those you find can "handle" your preference and simply do not discuss it around those it will either scare or who cannot appreciate it.

    I have done this for over fifteen years with my own membership in the CoS and the ToV and I find it works very well and makes life much easier.

    Don't waste time trying to teach a pig to just frustrates you and annoys the pig ;)

  8. Hi I'm Sah,

    I have read your question and unfortunately it is a difficult one to answer, or maybe share my opinion on rather.  I am a Christian and please don't hang up just there, I'm not here to judge you and get out the 4x2.  I actually just wanted to let you know that there is lots in the bible (old testament) about mediums and spiritualists.  Have you ever read about them?  And a very long time ago if you remember the so called "witches" used to get burned at the stake, so your journey is infact not a unquie one in as much as how you are feeling, so to speak.  My opinion is that we were created to believe and as our knowledge of life has grown, we now have many things to believe in.  I'm not saying that what you see or hear or feel is fake, infact I would agree with you on some points.  The only difference would be I have been taught to be wise about things which we do not know about, because they don't make themselves obvious enough for us to come to any conclusion to say they are friendly or have our best interest at heart.  Where God and His army of spiritual  beings state they are not here to harm us, but protect us, so I tend to go with their side.  None the less it is very difficult to tell anyone what you believe, but honesty is a good thing.  And I'm sure if your friend is really open to "God" then you telling the truth may hurt him, but will make him walk the path he talks of so often. Be real with yourself, and if you don't believe in God, ask yourself, have you ever asked Him if He is real? I mean really ask with your heart?

    Sorry it's so long..


  9. If he's asking about your beliefs in a curious, non-judgmental way, that's a good thing.  It gives you an opportunity to stretch his mind a bit.  Contrary to what some of the others have said, being a Christian and believing in Spiritualism are not mutually exclusive.  I am a Christian.  I absolutely believe in God, and I also believe in Spiritualism.  

    If you pay attention, you'll find metaphysical concepts in the Bible.  For instance, Acts 9:32–10:23 says cleanliness is next to Godliness.  There are many reasons for that.  One of the reasons is that dust, dirt and general clutter attract and hold negative energy.  Haven't you noticed how much better you feel when you're in a clean house?  There's a good reason for that.

    It always amazes me how angry, defensive, and cruel people can become when discussing topics such as this.  If a person's beliefs are so fragile that they can't handle exposure to another viewpoint, then perhaps they need to re-examine what they believe and why they believe it.  

    I get so frustrated when I ask someone WHY they believe a certain way and they can't give me a reasonable answer.  I'm not trying to judge them or ridicule their beliefs, I ask out of curiosity.  Most just say, "That's how I was raised."  I was raised with many beliefs that didn't make sense to me once I started doing my own thinking.  

    I know what I believe, and why, and I feel very strongly about said beliefs, but I always enjoy talking to others with different beliefs.  Every once in a while, someone gives me an argument so compelling that it changes my mind.  That doesn't mean I don't hold strong beliefs or that I'm wishy-washy--it means that I agree with Dr. David M. Burns, who said, "Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with your life..."

    As for "how to break it to your friends," I think the best thing is to wait for the subject to come up in conversation.  When they ask questions, give them honest answers.  Or you could bring it up yourself by saying something like, "Hey, have you heard about vibrational energy?  What do you think about that?"  If they really are your friends, they'll respect your beliefs even if they don't agree with you.

  10. Just tell him. The only thing I would specifically say NOT to do would be to insult him, which I don't think you would do anyway, but was just something to compare it too. When you tell him, give him the same respect you'd want from him, the same open mind, IOW, don't immediately begin to tell him that you think his beliefs are wrong. If it comes to that simply say you don't believe the same things.

    Hope this helps! I've taken to telling only people I know who'd understand, which are mostly other sensitives, and of course, this place. :) good luck!!

  11. Goat is right. And it's a matter of respect. Sure, your friend might be concerned if he thinks you're on the fast track to h**l, but if he respects you, he's going to respect your beliefs and not walk all over them. Consider this an opportunity for generating some good discussions. :)  If you're challenged to defend why you believe the way you do, you're bound to come to a better understanding of what you really do believe. And ditto for him.

    EDIT: Brant, as you know I agree with you about spiritualism being bunk. Perhaps I could have phrased what I said better and referred to respect of the individual instead. Even if he doesn't respect her belief systems, at least he can approach a discussion in a civil way and get more accomplished.

  12. The Bible are metaphors for what spirituality is, whereas spirituality directly speaks about the spirit (the Divine Consciousness/ God). Your both on the right track - it's just that you have accepted the 'facts' of what spirit is rather than 'metaphors'....One day your friend will see the truth once all the metaphors cannot give him the answers he seeks...It's just not his time - yet.

  13. Just tell them, he can't prove what he believes is true and nor can you.

  14. Um, actually, all that stuff isn't scientific - it's pseudoscience.  Your beliefs are no more valid than his are.  It's just that yours are dressed up in more scientific-sounding language.  But that certainly doesn't make them scientific.  

    As I said, you've got as much evidence to back up your position as he does his.  So you might as well believe whatever you want, and let him do the same.  He certainly doesn't have a position on which to criticize you for that.

  15. God's Word has a Dual meaning. You can percerceive God's word from the perspective of ENLIGHTMENT or the perspective of REDEMPTION. Both are needed to know God fully. But most people know alot about one and little about the other.

    Lacking knowledge of anyone of these aspects leaves a flanking route for the enemy Satan/Lucifer/Helel. And that has happen to some Christian on yahoo lacking one of the perspectives, read the article if you misunderstand me here

    What aspect of God do you think you perceive the most and is more needed or do you have both?

    ---Satan/Lucifer/Helel's Desire---  

    This is what Lucifer felt in heaven, He claimed that the Trinity was the Azilat or the first projection of the one and that they were light being themselfs of the God Mind. He and his angels wanted to be part of the Triniy as well and that sovereignty goes beyond theTrinity and therefore everyone is Equal and like the "Most High". He felt that he perceived "this higher truth" but he was corrupted in his own wisdom as the Bible says. He wanted to become the higest personality of the God Mind. He makes people believe only the Universal aspect as God being just a Universal sea of energy and deny the Godhead.

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