
Hey everyone I need your opinion. Please be honest?

by Guest58435  |  earlier

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Hey this is the only way I can get an honest answer. Please look at my picture and tell me what you think for example: your pretty, your ugly, your nose is big etc. And if you think i'm ugly then please just say it but say why you think I am, as in your ugly because your ears stick out or whatever. And just for fun take a guess at how old you think I am and what color my eyes are (i don't even know the answer to that question!) whoever comes the closest is probably how I will chose the best answer. and remember PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be honest! thanks. (if you cant decide from my default pic then their are more on my page)




  1. You are beautiful. You need to start believing that.  

  2. youre pretty

    u are eyes are brown,blue,or green?

    u are 14-19?

  3. i think you look great. if i had to guess an age i would go for somewhere between 17 and 20. the computer im using has a block on it so i can't see your other pics and i can't guess the color of your eyes. but i still think you look great!!!

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