
Hey gals would you.......?

by  |  earlier

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...leave a guy if you found out that he is having much body hair?????

and what do you think of guys who wax their body?




  1. i think that, lots and lots of body hair is kind of a turn off.

    and i think that guys who wax are q***r.

    but, if you were seeing that person, you'd obviously be able to see if they had heaps of hair or whatever. and why would you leave them just for their appearance, personality is also key.

  2. maybe!!

    euuuu i dont like that kind of boys

  3. hey i wudnt leave him because i am obviously with him for other reasons than hair.


    i much prefer a guy with no hair excpet on his head.

    its not weird to wax


  4. i would never leave someone for that, that's just cruel! i like the whole idea of waxing on guys, but i doubt they like it that much lol :3

  5. honestly, body hair is a huge turn on for me.

    My ex and current boyfriend both have their fair share and its hot!

    It makes me feel like I'm dating a man and not a little boy who hasnt gone through puberty yet.

    I'm honestly not even joking.

    Its so hot!

  6. well waxing is pretty g*y and it hurts like h** i think if she would leave you for that reason then she is stupid and missed out on a lot!!!!!!!!

  7. I dont wanna say this  but its the truth. so, yes i would leave the hairy guy.

  8. Whatever you prefer. If there was something i didnt like about a guy then yeah i would leave him! It is what you want!!! PLEASE answer mine too!!!;...

  9. well if I loved him I would stay with him, but suggest that he'd do somthing about it, if he really loved you, and he knew it bugged you, he'd get rid of it. But if you really find it that unapealing maybe you should really tell him that, the truth hurts but hey. Some guys cant help it you know?

  10. depends on what you mean by "much" i could deal with some body hair..but if it's an uncontrollable jungle..that's not attractive.

    well if you're waxing it just means you're taking care of yourself.. so that's good. i prefer a guy to only shave/wax his chest and back (maybe arms too if his arms feel like a dog)

  11. Hey i would never leave a guy for such silly reason.

  12. it cool to see guys waxing

  13. I personally don't approve of body hair.

  14. well it all depends really if i had feelings for him or not. thats a major factor. and besides some body hair is ok.

    but waxing is definatly g*y for guys. just live with what the good Lord gave u!

  15. i would never leave a guy over body hair and i dont care if a guy waxs his body thats fine with me

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