
Hey got a question for you or anyone the cycle?

by  |  earlier

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ok i ride a 53t frount and a 13t wheel and get about 18-22mph is this good or bad




  1. you are pushing a really hard gear to be going that slow

    try going into your 15 or 16 and make your legs cycle faster to stay at the same speed

    if you like that gearing though ..... you should be going more like 28-31 mph

  2. you are pushing too heavy of a gear.  what you are looking to do is spin.  your legs should be turning over at something in the range of 90-120 rpms. about the only time i can use that gear is with a good tailwind or downhill, and i can usually run somewhere around 30+mph in that gear.  you will be more effecient, burn more calories, protect your knees and build better fitness dropping to a lighter gear and learning to spin.

  3. That's pretty slow for a 53x13, speed it up to about 26-28 mph and you'll be fine. I find that a good speed for 30 miles or so.

  4. A speed of 18~22mph is not a bad speed overall, however what you are doing is not taking advantage of your gearing. Drop down a few gears and get your Rpm up into the 80~90 range and you will find your self going faster. The reason for this is you can only deliver just so much power for every time you push down on the pedal, if you then increase the number power pulses per minute your wattage goes up. (Power = work x time) If you are not sure what your cadence is get a speedometer that has this function and work on your rpm.

    But still if your average is around 20mph you are doing good, but if you work on your cadence you'll find more speed.

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