
Hey guys, I'm a full time college student, and I'm debating if I should get a full time job. Good or bad idea?

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Right now, my school schedule is MWF- 3pm-6pm, T-11am-2pm. How many hours are suggested to balance with my school work? 10? 25?




  1. Well that would depend solely on how hard of a job you are wanting to get. I work as a night auditor at a hotel and no one is here all night so I can just sit here and study all night and I'm able to work 32 hours a week. (I'm at work now!lol) Warning, night auditors don't get paid much, but its about as crappy as any other college job. With any other job, I'd say 16-24 hours is TOPS if you want to have any sort of life!

  2. It really depends on your time management ability. Some people I know have tons of activities in addition to school and still find the time to work.

    But I think the average amount is at least 15-20 hours. If it's not obvious already, I suggest finding a job on campus so as to accomodate your schedule (especially during finals).

  3. Based on my personal experience, I would recommend working as little as you need to. It might be tough not having any extra cash during your college years, but you'll thank yourself later. One of the big problems with trying to work full time and go to school is you'll get used to having that income - maybe even create obligations for that income (car payment, bigger house/apartment, etc). And then you put yourself in a position of having to choose between school and maintaining a lifestyle.

    Focus on school for as long as you can and save working until you graduate.

  4. Depends a lot on what you're studying and how much time is required for you to do well in your studies.

    I work full time and I'm a part time law student. Its very demanding, and you have to be extremely disciplined if you go this route.

    If you're someone who likes to proscrastinate and blow hours of free time, then I wouldn't go this route. If you're a disciplined person who is time efficient, you'll be fine.

  5. I would definatley say not to work full time if you can avoid it.  I worked 30 -35 hours a week for a semester and ended up dropping a class cause it was just too much.  If u need to work try something that's only like 10 to 15 hours a week.  

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