
Hey guys, i just emailed my Congressman and it was the greatest thing?

by  |  earlier

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I actually don't have a clue who my congressman is other then the fact that my government loves the guy. But it was so much fun. My topic was going to be about oil but i had my own beefs.*****/contact_form.txt&display=/*****/contact_form_thankyou.html




  1. Awesome!  I've done this several times in my state of Oklahoma.  More of us need to do this and make our leaders realize they work for us and not the lobbyists.

  2. Well, you said it all when you admitted that this was just a rant from a typical citizen.  My experience has been that when I write to my representatives, they send me a very impersonal and mass produced response thanking me for my concern and interest and promising to give it full consideration the next time the subject comes up.  

    Only twice in my life did I feel like I got a real response from a representative.  The first was the Nixon campaign in 1968.  I wrote about gun control legislation and I received a personal letter from Julie Nixon answering my question as honestly as she could.  The second time was in Nevada, in 1981 when I wrote about getting the Food and Drug administration to approve a new procedure for my daughter to receive an interocular lens for cataract treatment.  That was settled favorably as I had asked.  All others have been official responses without any hint of real meaning.

    Not to discourage you though, please keep trying.  Only if we all speak up can we hope to get any of them to listen.


  4. We all should to this to the extent their wires get jammed.  that's the only way to get them to listen.  I love it .good for you.

  5. hi

    i hope people like you make a difference please keep emailing and tell more people about it.

  6. Suprisingly they do email you back and send an cool official letter back too.

  7. And you said a mouth full... Thanks..

  8. The power of the one voice. Make it heard, and before you

    know it, thousands are  being heard. You have just helped

    countless others I hope. Don't stop there go after your

    Federal Senator next. Keep your self on there focus. It will

    help you and your community. Good show.

  9. Yea, first time is always a rush.

  10. I have emailed Diane "Feinswine" & Barbara Boxer numerous times, mostly about the amnesty bill.

    What's frustrating is when I got Feinswine's form email back, indicating how much she cares about the issue. She explained her position and why she is voting against the way the people want (patronizing tone - "little child you don't know what you are talking about. I am a big, smart Senator and know what's best for you.")

    I can't believe these weasels are re-elected year after year after year! They don't listen to us, their employers!!!!!

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