Well, this is my third month of really trying to pay attention to my body. I have been using mymonthlycycle.com and according to the site I ovulated on the 1st of August. I am always at a 28 day cycle, so I am supposed to start on the 15. I started today. Why??? That has never happened before.
The only wierd thing I can think of, is that last month is the first month I noticed the egg white discharge and I got it about 10 days before i was supposed to ovulate. Which reading on this site I thought that was odd but I am so new at this..
This month I was going to invest in a ovualatin kit and perhaps even meet with a dr because even though we have only been trying 3 months I am 36 and it seems that I might be doing myself a disservice by not doing it. What do you think???
Anyways,, I appreciate your help, we are like a family on this site and I appreciate all my sisters and our journeys to become mothers.... God Bless...