
Hey guys and girls , who wants to join this club?

by  |  earlier

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thanks alot! wait for my mail!

you seem to be kind! i accept you my new member!




  1. h**l no but thanks 4 asking

  2. Yeah, every single person that smokes are quite aware of the fact that it is unhealthy.

    And no one cares what you're pathetic opinion of these smokers are.  It is there choice, not yours.  Get over yourself.

    I think I'm going to start smoking just to protest all these illegal smoking bans

    If you don't care, then why do people like you fake cough when you smell a cigarette (outside even!)?  Why do you post stupid questions like this?  Why do you support smoking bans that take away people's freedoms?

    Just because someone smokes doesn't mean they don't care about themselves.  They just like to relax with a cigarette.  That's no crime.

    If you don't like smoking, then don't smoke.  That's your choice.  Just like its the choice of all the smokers to do whatever they want without you being all uptight about it.

    If you want to help someone, why don't you do something real.  Help someone who needs help.  Go volunteer at a homeless shelter and you might actually do some good.


    Hey, I took off the idiot part! ;)

    That's cool, I'll check my email tomorrow if I don't see it later.

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