
Hey guys any good weight loss stories ? ?

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  1. Hello.  My story is currently in progress.  I do elliptical machine for roughly 52 minutes a day.  That usually burns me 700 calories.  Then after that I weight lift for 20 or so minutes every other day.  I've lost 25 pounds in one month doing this!

    Started at 227 pounds, currently at 201 pounds!  I have not been under 195 pounds in close to 10 years I think.  Maybe not an entertaining read, but put your mind to it and you will accomplish what you want!

  2. It isnt a remarkable weight loss story but to me its something im proud to have achieved. At the beginning of summer last year i weighed just under 14 stone. Im 5'5 so that was very overweight for me. I had finally come to the stage were i couldnt stand feeling ugly, getting laughed at and not being able to get any of the 'good' clothes. I cut out coke (which was my biggest downfall) and other sugary drinks, chocolate, white bread, chips etc. etc. I started to walk everywhere rather than get a ride from my family/friends. I would go to the gym and swim 2-3 times a week. Now a year later here i am at just under 10 stone. It was one of the hardest things i have ever done and dont get me wrong i still do have my off days when i will snack on some junk food (hey im only human :P) But i now know my limits. I feel alot healthier and happier and im still keeping up the gym and swimming. I actually find it enjoyable :D

    I hope that other people out there who were like me can realise that they can do it too :)  

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