
Hey guys i need help,,,which is better playing airsoft or world of warcraft??

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im really confused because if i play airsoft i just need to buy guns then i can use it for ever but if i play world of warcraft i need 2 pay $15 a month





    big fan of world of warcraft (70 shaman named Freaya on the realm Magratherdon) and i love it, you cant still play airsoft and world of warcraft i have a airsoft gun as well as my older brother who also plays WoW

    i dont see why you cant play both, its not like WoW will take up 200% of your time

  2. dude if you wanna get fat play world of warcraft if you wanna shoot people and kick *** while exercising and having fun you want airsoft    ps. get the classic army M15A4 carbine

  3. i play airsoft as a pro so play airsoft and if u play airsoft u dont just sit around and play computer =)

  4. Warcraft is more addictive and fun so its warcraft

  5. airsoft you get out of the house and don't have that nasty monitor tan. the down side is the welts but if u get good enough you wont have to worry about it

    try going to and joining the fourms

  6. Oh gosh.. See, I play World of Warcraft.. Honestly, I don't recommend this game to you because it gets really addicting, and when it gets addicting, you can't stop. That means you're wasting your money every month. Sucks..

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