
Hey guys i play on boys bantam hockey & i cant get a slap shot or wrist shot not even off the ground plez help

by  |  earlier

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i m the only girl ii get respect cause i can check harder than any one but they makae fun of me when i cant slap shot or wrist shot ugh its so hard i cant get it off the ground !!!!!! i try i can do it on the ground with a ball but neva oon the ice with a PUCK!!!!!




  1. Were any of those girls you got picked out of high drunk or mutated. Cause there is no way you made the team but can get a shot off the ground. I can get a shot off the ground and I don't play hockey.

  2. look at this video.

    hope it helps.

  3. Is your blade curved? It is easier with a curved blade.

  4. join a girls team !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    how did ya get picked!!!!!!!!!???????????

    how old are u??????????

  5. Do you practice shooting off the ice with a puck? That is very helpful. Don't just use a ball.

    As you move forward and prepare to shoot, allow the puck to lag behind a little and try sandwiching/cupping the puck between your blade and the ice. Then sweep your stick forward still cupping the puck with as much pressure on the blade as possible.

    As you prepare to release the shot, rotate your wrists forward so that as the puck slides off the blade the toe of your stick ends up pointing toward the spot where you want the puck to go. Be sure to follow through on your swing.

    Start slow and don't be afraid to use exaggerrated movements and to look silly at first. As you figure things out., you can do it faster in less space.

    A curved blade can make it easier, but isn't necessary. I played with a virtually flat blade and had no problem hitting the top of the net.

    In fact, I'd say that if you need a big hook to lift the puck, then you have a problem with your shooting skills.

    I hope this helps.

  6. do you have any muscles SHEESH!

    my grandma can wrist shot !!!!!

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