
Hey guys i was wondering, how do i make my .44 spring loaded desert eagle magnum shoot faster?

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Hey guys i was wondering, how do i make my .44 spring loaded desert eagle magnum shoot faster?




  1. Josh, the spring assembly for the desert eagle is set on fixed rails. Notice when you break it down how the recoil springs have a twin rail and notch to align them one way. A couple of things that can help you out. First contact Magnum Research and order a new spring kit for your model. They still have plenty of kits for the old models too. Next remove the slide and inspect it for burrs and high spots. If you find any burrs remove them carefully with a jewelers file and polish with a fine crocus cloth and steel wool. If you find a high spot on the slide or rail you can remove these by put a SMALL amount of valve grinding compound on the slide and work it back and forth till its smooth. I normally spend the first half of a college game smoothing rails. Make sure to thoroughly clean all of the compound off when your done.

      The next area to check is the ramp on the barrel, if it has any burrs or nicks that you can detect with your finger nail then polish those off with crocus cloth and steel wool. Remember you do not want to alter the metal just polish it. Finally, make sure if your shooting reloads that you put a slight taper crimp on them. Correcting any or all of these will make your DE more reliable and may help to increase your cycle speed. Remember these are just some maintenance areas for you and not modifications to your pistol.  

  2. Dıssamblıe ıt take the sprıng and scretch ıt then pop ıt back ın ıts shoots harder and faster but ıt voıds then warrenty and may break plus you could hurt yourself ıf you do not pay attenton to the sprıngs I dıd ıt wıth a p9 stınger then sprıng pop out and wacked my shoulder.

  3. Pull the trigger faster +! !

    fast is good ...but slow is smooth and smooth is fast. If you cant hit ... you wont fire many shots fast enough to do any good.

    Jerry is fast!

  4. Pull the trigger faster!

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