
Hey guys im 13 years old and im a rookie and i want to hit hard and get the rgiht kind of glove?

by  |  earlier

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what is the exact tools i will be needing if i want to hit harder and faster and gained wegiht and the rgith oing gloves i need i want to get these 10oz gloves but idk if i should or no what is better for casue im a rooking and 13 year old




  1. all depends on your budget

    if your broke then get these

    if your a rich kid and can get anything then these reyes can make you feel like god on the heavy bag

    if your just in the middle then these baby grants will suit you fine

    remember to have fine handwraps too

    you punching harder and faster will count on technique and your weight, so just keep the technique and hope you have the genetics to punch like a sledgehammer

    to gain weight(despite of what others tell you) the only way to do it is high intake of calories, if you want an easy but cheap way just drink a gallon of milk a day which has around 128gm of protein ,2400 calories, and 480-528mg of calcium(which most kids need), with other food you will be gaining around 10pounds in the first month already(but notice not all of these are muscle, if you want to be cut then lose weight after gaining around 10lb higher than your goal)

    have fun boxing!

  2. get some twelve oz's. .. they could make it a little harder at first with speed but as soon as you start sparring with a lower pair you will notice a slight difference in speed and when shadow boxing try out some 5 lb weights those always warm up the weight control of your arms, this might  also help with snapping.

  3. First get a heavy bag that will hang from the ceiling and some gloves with a metal sleve inside them and take your time learning how to hit it with power and if it starts to spin stop hitting it so you dont hurt your wrist, watch boxers on tv hitting a heavy bag for the proper stance, then for speed and timing get a speed bag should come as a set for beginners with a large bag and the wall mount as you get faster hitting it you can get smaller bags for it till your hitting a peanut bag the smaller the bag the faster it goes, this takes time to learn but will help you out the most, all of this you can see watching other boxers working out.

  4. How much do you weigh is what depends on what size gloves you will use. If you are in a lower weight division you will use larger gloves more like 16 ounces than 10. if you are talking about just bag gloves you can get some that barely weigh anything at all and are real  thin too. if you can order off line go to or

    As for hitting harder and faster you just need to practice over and over again. practice being fast and you will get faster. power comes from proper technique and if you go to a boxing gym they can show you how to do this

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