
Hey guys so I need some suggestions.?

by  |  earlier

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ok so ive been in boxing for a decent amount of time ive had about 8 fights and before fights ive never really did much roadwork and that resulting in me having no energy in fights like i run out of breath and get tired super fast and i got a fight coming up in a few weeks and ive sparred the guy before and he has really high stamina and i have low stamina so what kinds of road work do you guys suggest????




  1. I would suggest exactly what the name roadwork means and that is to run. Run long distance and run sprints. you need to run long distance for slow building momentum that will last a long time and you need sprints in order to have quick bursts of energy. If you can swimming is also great exercise. But nothing builds strength and character better than good old fashion running.

  2. Run distance so you can develop your cardiovascular conditioning.

    After running 3 to 5 miles for a couple of weeks, begin to run intervals during your runs.

    Run hard for 3 minutes and then jog easy for 1  minute.

    Do this for the number of rounds of the fight.

    This will get your body used to working hard for rounds and having the same recovery time as in the fight.

    You can run the interval workout during your 3 mile run 2 or 3 days each week.


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