
Hey guys what pic of me is better?

by Guest33185  |  earlier

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i need a new one for my myspace! :] thanks for your time guys.




  1. The second one, the first is too glam, and the other is a bit more natural.

  2. first one... the second one is so close up that I think it takes away from you.

  3. the far 1 is

  4. the 2nd one... but i agree... take the star off... it's stupid and makes u look 5.

  5. second one.

  6. 1

  7. Second one,  minus the star!

  8. the first one honey ;]

  9. the one with the pimple

  10. what's with the c**p you added to them? take that off...

  11. Why did you put the star on for? stop using the photoshop programs for stupid things

  12. The first one is glamourous, the second looks less so.

  13. I like the first one better.

  14. fist one

  15. the 2nd one, you look overly skinny in the 1st

  16. they are both nice

  17. well with the details, the first pic... but the 2nd pic is nicer - i think you should take all the c**p off it and just use that becuase its a lovely picture  =) very pretty!

    if not especially take off the star, definately take off 'hello dear friend.' ... its just too much cheese for my liking haha

  18. no. 2 cute.

  19. The 2nd one. But take off the star, it looks stupid.

  20. Neither - you're trying too hard, imho

  21. the second one

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