
Hey guys what would you prefer, living on Earth or on Mars??

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There's no doubt that today's scientific development makes living on Mars a real idea. So what would you prefer, your home planet or something NEW???




  1. It doesn't matter to me really, because I know the people are still going to be the same.  

  2. Being that a short time in the sun on Mars would KILL you I think I'd tend to lean toward Earth...

    People talk about Mars as if we can one day terraform it and move there... Unfortunately, the core has cooled and now Mars has no protective magnetic field... The short explanation of that is that terraforming Mars would be nearly impossible and would by far be the easiest of the challenges... Reliquefying the core would be impossible... In the end it means we will undoubtedly spend trillions to visit and say we've been but we will NEVER live there in anything resembling "life" on Earth... It is literally just pie in the sky...

  3. I think mars is quite cold, so i perfer Earth.The next reason is mars have no life forms.

  4. yu mite get lonely on Mars all bi self

    & kooped up inside the inflated dome

  5. I'd be on a ship for Mars tomorrow, if i could.

    Something new is just what we need.

    Seems a new Dark Age is creeping up and too many people forget or don't know the importance of Science.

       I recently watched In The Shadow of the Moon. Astronauts talked about how their outlook on life changed when they went into space.

    A colony of people like that, living on the Moon or Mars would be so d**n cool.  

  6. Well, for right now, I'm going to have to stick with the Earth.  No possibility of getting anywhere else for a while.

    However, if I live long enough, I'd love to go "out there".  Mr. Data, make it so!

  7. I prefer to live where I can breath and where food can grow.

  8. Theres no place like home, and Earths my home :) sure id like to explore the neighbourhood, but still....

  9. EARTH... because it's my mother planet

  10. On earth.

    I like breathing, eating, drinking, not dropping dead from radiation poisoning etc. etc.

  11. Mars! I'm tired of this planet before this planet is tired of me.

  12. i like breating,eating etc.

  13. Earth

  14. ET went home, id rather stay at home

  15. mars have alien friends

  16. i like breathing

  17. defenately "earth"

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