
Hey has anyone ever stayed in costa del sol in january and if so whats the weather like?

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Hey has anyone ever stayed in costa del sol in january and if so whats the weather like?




  1. Yeah i did 2 years ago. It was ok, sunny but not overly warm. No real need for a jumper in the day but sometimes at night. It is nice that its not so busy, but you don't get the heat like you would then.  For a relaxing holiday just to get away i'd say go for it.

  2. Lived around Malaga got three years some time ago - it can get a wee bit sharp from around Mid November until February - if there is snow on the mountains above Malaga, you know Summer has ended. It still can be nice during the day, but early morning can be perishing.

  3. Have lived in Spain on the Costa Del sol for about two years and have just moved back to the UK recently. The weather in Jan for the last two years that i can remember has been warm and very sunny, although evenings can be cold.

  4. l live on the Costa del Sol and although it is a lot warmer than our British winters, it can be varied in January, or any time between October and April. We can get bouts of very heavy rain and it can be quite chilly at night(5 degrees).  Saying that, the last 2 winters have had very little rain, and there are times it is perfectly warm enough to sunbathe. Daytime temperatures vary between 11 (when there's a cold spell) and 23 (when it's particularly nice for time of year)

  5. pretty mild but pleasant, might get occasional shower and can be chilly at night.

  6. It's ok, hardly any ice on your car weather but you do need a nice warm coat, gloves, scarf etc. Clear blue skies!

  7. just right cool comfortable

  8. Hated it would rather have stopped at home.  When we went almost everywhere was shut up for Chritmas. So unless you are staying somewhere full board check out what is open what's not.

    But do not let me put you off just do your own thing. x

  9. The weather then is like our late spring or early autumn, bright and sunny but cool in the evenings.  The place will be full of wrinklies then though, they all go for the winter!!

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