
Hey has anyone read breaking down the parody of breaking dawn written by stephenie meyer?

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yeah if anyone has a copy i would appreciate it if you would send it to me please and thanks beyas




  1. No, but if you find it I'd like it too - my email is on my profile, thx. I"ve been looking around - if I find it I'll let you know.


    EDIT: Here's a parody - I don't think it's Breaking Down though.

    BD Gagg Edition:

    spoiler alert!!!

    Don't waste ur 13 bucks on the real book just read mine and you can read it for all it's suckiness.  And also don’t take offense I was just horrified with BD so I thought I would make a shortened version that might provide some entertainment seeing as the real BD sucked.  My story does follow the real BD storyline…to an extent…  Also sorry about spelling errors

    Bella: OME Edward we’re going to get married but I think I’ll whine about it some more.  O well I’ll go to my happy place and think about adult situations with Edward.  That’s better…

    Edward: Don’t be such a Mary Sue.  I’m awesome and gorgeous and s**y and we will be together forever.

    Jacob: Ya hey I showed up to your wedding after being missing for no legitament reason and I think I’ll make a stink about you guys having adult situations on your honeymoon.

    Bella:  I would care about Jake’s feeling’s incept I’m just too happy right now about the fact that I’m going to be able to rape Edward very soon….  

    Emett: Hey Bella you wouldn’t believe some of the things that me and Rose have done in bed…

    Edward: Honeymoon time let’s go have a lovely almost porno scene!  I’ll also be stubborn but you know I love you.

    Bella: Yay adult situations!  Ignore the fact that you bit pillows and I look like I was just gang raped I still got what I wanted… MORE adult situations NOW!!!!!

    Edward: No! Ummmm I’m going to have to pass…

    Bella: NOW! Or else….

    Edward: Fine let’s get this over with.

    Bella: Crudballs I’m late...

    Edward: What’s that supposed to mean u whiny dog?

    Bella: My eggo is preggo from ur freaky mutant sperm.

    Edward: ( I think I’ll just pretend I’m dead and maybe I can finally get rid of her…)

    Bella:  Carlisle says Im preggo so let’s go have mutant spawn.

    Edward: Dang it noes I hate nasty lil children lets get an abortion we are going home.

    Bella: No! I have to be as selfish, weird , and stubborn as usal and decide to keep a baby that will kill me.  And I shall also be BFF’s with Rosalie at the same time. YAY!….The only thing missing is adult situations…

    Edward: I think that now along with most of the other charactors I’ll be all weird and my romace with my wife will come to a halt.

    Jacob: I think I’ll have my own POV book now where I can be moody and annoying and s***w Leah and Seth, those b******s.  I think I’ll go see Bella.

    Rosalie: Kewl I get a baby plus Bella will die.  That’s a good day in my book.  Dont'cha wish your girlfriend was hott like me?

    Edward: Jacob I want you to have adult situations with my wife.  She needs to have your babies.  I’m begging you.  

    Jacob: No thanks I’m not into people my own age anymore, I’ll catch you around.  By the way Rose you’re a conceited barbie and I think I’ll throw things at you randomly.  That was fun.

    Bella: Hmmm I ownder if I could still get adult situations while I’m preggo…. Since I’m dying maybe Edward will go with it.

    Edward: I think it’s time for a gory, bloody, vomit’riffic delivery scene where Bella almost dies once again but at least I’ll have fun... Holy flip she gave birth to the loch ness monster!!

    Bella: Owww I’m turning into a vampire.  Is it too late to change my mind?  Edward is sorta a prick...

    Carlisle:  Well she’s a vamp now congrats

    Bella: Wow I’m so special now and gorgeous and stuff, as usual I got everying pefect, common Edward let’s go have adult situations now.  Anyways what happened to my poorly named baby?  O well who cares let’s go kill things.

    Edward: As usual Bella is amazing and get’s everything she want’s and more.  I’m so lucky to be in her presence.  Alright fine we can go have adult situations in a cottage now.

    Bella: That was satisfying, We have all the time in the world now to have adult situations.  Yay I wonder all the things we can do now…

    Emmett:  Since I’m a perv now I can tell you more about me and Rose’s bedroom time.  We destroyed things…..

    Edward: Shut up Emmet I’m the only s**y one here.

    Bella: I’m too s**y for my shirt….

    Edward: shut up


    Bella: That was random

    Jacob: By the way I’m a pedo now, I wanna have adult situations with your small daughter after imagining myself having se with Bella for so long.  This pedo thing is so great… No wonder Quil does it.

    Edward: I think we should have another plot twist now, like maybe the vulturi should come or something.

    Alice: Sounds good I’ll just be totally out of character like I’ve been being and leave now, buh bye suckers.

    Bella: Wow my daughter is awesome.  And I also have s**y powers.  And the volturi are coming let’s gether a bunch of ppl together for nothing.

    Edward: Sounds Good!

    Aro: Hmmm SM doesn’t feel like make a real fight scene so we will just run away like cowards now…. Oh alright we will at least kill a minor character that nobody cares about.

    Bella: Yay we are safe now we can have more adult situations.

    Edward: Sounds good let’s go.

    Seth: Hey what about my sister and me? We didn’t get a happy ending!

    Edward: I’ll tell you why you don’t get a happy ending seth.  It’s because you touch yourself in bed at night.


    the link is :

  2. no it's not a real book

    they were talking about it at the breaking dawn concert series but its just a joke

    it's not going to get written by stephenie meyer but maybe it will by somebody else

  3. hmm... didn't know a parody was made...

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