
Hey help me solve this riddle, I not homework just a riddle some1 gave

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Got a lot on my mind so its hard to think,

A glass jar holds a single germ. After one minute, the germ split into two germs. One minute after that, the two germs each split again, forming a total of four germs. Continuing at this rate, a single germ can multiply to fill the whole jar in exactly one hour. Knowing this, how long in minutes would it take to fill the jar if you started with two germs.




  1. 58 mins

  2. That's no riddle.  That's your homework.  It's just a math question.  d**n, how dumb do you think we are?

  3. This has to do with exponential growth in powers of 2, in 60 minutes the germ will be 2 to the power of 60, or 1024x1024x1024x1024x1024x1024 many germs.If you start with 2 germs, it will take 1 minute less, or 59 minutes to make that many germs.

  4. If one germ becomes two, and two become four, that means that the number of germs doubles each minute.

    If you start with one germ, the germ will multiply and fill the jar in one hour.

    Starting with one germ, then how many will you have in one minute?

    Read the problem carefully.

    Let's take a step back and think.

    Your answer is the amount of time it takes for two germs to fill the jar. If it takes one minute for one germ to turn into two, how much additional time is needed to fill the jar?

  5. 59 minutes

    The only difference was the initial 1 germ - 2 germ split

  6. Yep, 59 minutes with 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 germs

    Funny thing is, if you use 2 Jars and put one germ each, it will take

    extra 1 minutes(60 min total) to produce twice as much germs.

  7. its about 1 thousand or higher

  8. Well, with my horrible maths brain.

    I'm just going to say half the time it would take for the one gem


  9. 60 minutes

  10. 59 59 minutes, each germ would have multiplied to cover exactly half of the jar

  11. 59 minutes.

  12. 1 hour


  13. my head hurts

  14. It would take 30 minutes.

    If it takes 1 germ 1 hour to fill a jar, you cut the time in half because there are two germs. 1hr/2germs = 30 minutes. But since you've started with 2 germs, you don't need that first minute for the first germ to divide. So it will only take 29 minutes.

  15. 59 min

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