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Researchers wanted to study the effects on writing skills of college students of a computerized work-processing course compared to the traditional composition course. Students were assigned alternately to one of the two programs as their registration card appeared.

1. Writing skill was the

a. independent variable

b. dependent variable

c. control variable

d. double blind

2. The two types of composition courses are the

a. independent variable

c. control variable

d. double blind

17. the subjects could best be described as

a arandom sample

b. placebo and conrol groups

c. group matched

d. nonfounding variables

18. the research could best be describes as

a. ex post facto research

b. naturalistic observation

c. an experiment

d. a corrolation study




  1. Time to do your own homework!  It's just the beginning of the new semester...(college psych professor)

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