
Hey high school students, where would you enjoy a family vacation?

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My husband and I are 32 and going to host an exchange student next year! We don't have kids, so not sure what's fun for a high schooler. But we always vacation over Christmas for a week or so and want to know what sounds like a nice idea.

We live in the southeast US and the student is from Brazil--it seems like she enjoys everything, and dislikes nothing. But we would like it to be nice and a bit of a surprise.

So, just looking for opinions.





  1. I enjoyed going to the beach with my grandmother and brother for our family vacation, but it all depends on how "boy crazy" she is. We played put put golf and went out to eat and just really walked the beach and had fun. But I'm sure anything sounds great. I know this doesn't help much, but its an idea.

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