
Hey. how can i have a web site of a little town in mexico?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, how can I do or how to have a website of a little town in Mexico? the story, pictures and people,traditions, land scape's. etc.




  1. Yahoo has a free one

    I have one but not Yahoo

  2. I have a website about San Miguel de Allende: . I built it with Site Build It and HIGHLY recommend that program because it gives you all the tools you need, not only to build the site, but to GET IT FOUND on Google, Yahoo and the other search engines.

    There are many free hosting companies, but unless you're willing to spend a LOT of time optimizing your pages, submitting to search engines, etc. etc., no one will find your pages because  they won't know they exist. SBI takes care of all of that for me. I'm getting traffic and about 5000 page views a month right now.

    I can't recommend this company highly enough--highly ethical, excellent value for money, and a friendly forum where you can get any question you have answered. Check out the links for more on SBI. Check out my website to see what someone with NO technical knowledge at all can do with SBI.

  3. Check out for free web hosting and templates you can use to put your web site together with.

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