
Hey how can i punch harder i hit hard but i wanna hit harder?

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Hey how can i punch harder i hit hard but i wanna hit harder?




  1. um do pushups lol

  2. Work on your form, hit the bag.

  3. Arm strength  and technique, I would suggest a fighting class.

  4. Building your arms up has nothing to do with it. Most punchers have long, lean arms where throw their punches and get maximum velocity off it. Tommy Hearns didn't have gigantic arms, and neither does Kelly Pavlik or Wlad Klistchco. Watch Joe Louis, who wasn't huge,and when he hit a guy solid, looked like a building got knocked over.

    All comes from your legs and how you pivot your hips to get the most weight into your punches and properly following through with the punch.

    No different then a proper golf swing.

  5. exercise your arms.  But yet the key is speed. Dig your knuckles in hit hard things to toughen your fists.

  6. Mostly technique. Weight-training will bugger this, as that will work (and enlarge) the slow-twitch fibers more.

    Use heavier bag-gloves and get some coaching on the lower-body / trunk / punch coordination.

    You can also get a dynamometer that you can put on the bag to get a real, objective measure of your actual impact. That's a great training aid for what you're wanting.

    Good luck.

  7. You need technique training with a coach.

    A boxing coach will triple your punching power in a few short months.

    Hitting the bag, doing weights, strengthening your arms, or tying a piece of string to your wang whatever will not help without correct technique training by a coach.

    All these suggestions would not help someone learn to serve a tennis ball, or throw a javelin properly.

    So why should it be any different for a punch? Because guys in the gym with big arms 'look scary'? Punching is no different from any other all-body complex movement, No one does it naturally.

  8. what most people are likely to forget is that you need to have strong legs too. try to notice most of the big punchers and you'll notice the big calves. a classic example is manny pacquiao. do leg exercises.

  9. start lifting weights.  it'll build up your arm strength.

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