
Hey how do i get stronger?

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Hey, im having a fight tommorow for my best friend which is a girl but i dont want to loose for her. Shes the most special person i have alive. I want to get stronger and hurt the person im fighting tommorow. What can help me get alot stronger! Im also a skinny kid so hope you know what kind of advice goes for me. Thanks alot




  1. Look, fist fights are good to burn off excessive anger, but make sure you don't anger him so much that shanks or guns are involved. Best thing to do during a fight even if your skinny and not so strong, is to keep your eyes open at all time and keep fists to cover your face as muc has possible, DO NOT AIM FOR THE CHEST OR SHOULDERS!! Go right for the head or gut, it is the most effective and if he is choking you, if you can try to get your arm around his head and choke him back, but if you can't get your arms around his head, punch his RIBS not his gut or his stomache, RIGHT IN THE RIBS to wind him. Fights aren;t always about the size and strength, its about the strategy and strength as well. Hope i helped and make sure you prove to this girl that is a "friend" that you can protect her no matter what.

  2. Oh my gosh.  Fighting isn't going to get her back, but it may hurt your face!  Please re-think this way of getting her attention.  Personally, if I guy had a fight over  me - ewww.  Hate fights!

  3. You're not going to get stronger in a single day, sorry.  The best you can do is hop yourself up before the fight on meth or PCP and fight like a crazed wolverine.  But you're probably just going to get beat down.  Try bringing a bat or a lead pipe.  Just don't let it get taken away from you.

  4. Your small do you don't have a lot of choices.  Just go up to him saying you don't want to fight, then headbut him in the face, he'll never see it coming. you win the fight.

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