
Hey how do you think that we can make justice faster, coz it is slow here.we need to work on this criteria?

by  |  earlier

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well it is a discussion, so plz answer.





  1. Justice delayed is justice denied.

  2. Have a trial in the morning an hang them in the afternoon

  3. Very simple. There should be mobile courts. Whenever a crime is detected, the culprits should be punished on the spot. Justice delayed is justice denied.

    What we do is not justice. If the offender loses time it is OK. but if the innocent lose time in the court to prove himself innocent is really a crime on the part of our justice department.

  4. There must be good number of responsible citizens in the country. As is the population, so are the judges. If a majority of the population will be punyavan or good, then God will definitely administer ample justice by giving good and determined judges and lawyers and witnesses. Very few people in India are interested to follow the path of truth. Most of them want to earn money by any means and enjoy voluptuous life to the maximum possible extent.

  5. get rid of 90% of  present laws.

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