
Hey i'm going to 7th grade how can I make my teachers like me?

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I'm very nice to but I want them to like me so how can I make them like me anything would work (:




  1. Stay focused in class. Be honest and ask questions (be an active listener) and do your work, above all, attend class everyday! Talk to your teacher. Communication is a good thing.

  2. OK, I know you know or you will hear the usual--do the work, participate in class, etc.  But as a teacher here's a bonus maybe others won't tell you.  Once you come to class go up to the teacher and say, "Can I help you with anything today, Mr./Ms./Mrs._____________?"  

    You don't have to do it every day, but try to do it often and you will be amazed at how far it goes.

  3. Just do you work, pay attention in class, and help out when they need it.  

  4. I would say that showing up every day and participating in class would be a good start! Are you starting a new school? If so, make sure you don't try and do too much right away in September - just settle into the new routine. Maybe after a while you could volunteer for an opportunity to work with or help a teacher. Just make sure it is in a subject or activity you are interested in! Teachers always appreciate when students are interested in learning. That's really all you should have to do.

  5. I second Cassey and Sax! Pay attention, show interest, participate in class, come to school prepared to learn, learn as much as you can, ask for help when you need it and obey the rules of the classroom (and school). You are already off to a good start, because you care about what your teachers think of you. Your teachers will pick up on the fact that you care, so just be yourself. I'm teaching 7th grade this year (mathematics). I hope you have a great year! Good luck! :)

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