
Hey i'm wondering if Japanese is hard to learn? I'm thinking to take it up as a subject.?

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When answering please state whether you learned it as a second language or if you are answering as you know it because it's your native language. THankyou!




  1. english, japanese, and chinese are the hardest languages to learn. i cant remember the order. but i know those three are the hardest

    im learning it

  2. I agree with the previous posters that it is a very difficult language to learn.  However, it is not only very difficult, but it takes a long time to learn.  I've taken it for four years in high school and while I love it, I simply haven't progressed all that far.  At the same time as learning and memorizing grammar points and vocab, you must learn many many kanji characters as well, and with the proper stroke order.  To be technically literate in Japanese, you must know upwards of five thousand kanji!

    That being said, if you truly enjoy Japanese culture and want to learn the language, by all means, go for it.  But it will take a lot of dedication and patience.

  3. I haven't learned it but I know for a fact it is extremely difficult. A friend of mine speaks about every language but Japanese, he's relly good at languages but he gave up on Japanese, everyone I know who took it and/or tried to learn it said it was REALLY hard. Please answer mine...

  4. I'll go along with EricH's answer -- yes, it is hard.  It's a bit harder for me because it requires all that good visual memory for the kanji, and I just don't have it.  (But then, I had a hard time with French in college too.)  I've tried Japanese, on my own, but it just is more than I can manage, beyond a few basic phrases.  I hope you have more luck with it than I did.

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