
Hey i am home schooled and i have friends i was just wondering how can i make more friends?? thank you!?

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im in 7th grade and also if you are a homeschooler in seventh grade email me!!




  1. I was homeschooled for 12years 1st grade through graduation and to tell you the truth i had "friends" but never any good ones because i wasnt around them every day, i also lived way way out in the country, i think so one else already told you this but 1 true friend is always better then a bunch of friends. yes homeschooling can be lonely (well it was for me and my sister) and i had to miss all the dances and prom but in the long run i am glad i didnt go to public school cuz college is SO MUCH MORE FUN! not that i party all the time dont get that idea, but there isnt as much drama and i know who i am unlike my fellow college students! good luck!

  2. I was homeschooled up until 10th grade, and I was open-enrolled in the school district so I could play soccer. It was a great way for me to meet other kids my age. I also played on a city soccer league..

  3. look for a homeschooler group in yahoo! groups.

  4. Clubs for homeschoolers

  5. yeah be careful who you are talkin to on the internet there are some crazy people on this thing. maybe you should just stick with the friends that you have. if not, you can join some kind of club or organization of some sort ?

  6. Focus on finding friends in your area.  You can look for a co-co-op where you go take classes once a week.

    You could also find a homeschool support group, or if there is not one available, start one of your own.  Here are some tips:

    You can play sports or take up other activities like art, dance, 4 H, etc.  You could also volunteer for a worthy cause or project you are interested in.  Here are some ideas:

    Try the above to find real life friends who share your interests.

    If you want to chat with other 7th graders online, look for a private, moderated forum.

    There are moderated sections for teens at and  You will have to register to join, and with Sonlight there is a fee, but I believe it is worth it for the safety aspect.

    Good luck!

  7. Not to lecture you, but as a parent and an older sibling, please be careful who you meet and talk to on the internet. Not everyone means well.

    p.s. Sometimes you are better off with one good friend than a bunch of "so-called" friends. ;)

  8. im homeschooled im in year 10

  9. Join a sports team run by the city, get involved with a little theater group or seascouting, volunteer your time with  community center or the local church lots of ways to meet new people.

  10. Join some sort of club or sports team.

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