
Hey i got a question about Australian NSW Law and prisions and things?

by  |  earlier

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i work at a bar in outside sydney and i am surprised at how people say that and offender will go to prison for the smallest thing - this happened twice - once guy very bad man now but before you would think he was the nicest - anyway he hit a girl over the head with an esky it was a big fight the other got into a verbal dispute with some people both were very scary to witness but the thing that shocked me most is how people said 'oh they WILL be going to prison' i thought they might just get community service or a fine or an AVO. I would also like to know what is the smallest crime you can comit to be locked up - cause its all very scary and i want to make sure i dont - not that i am bad but i am just scared of the whole police crime locked up thing, cause as i get older it gets more real




  1. The guidelines for sentencing are such that people shouldn't be going to jail for minor offences. An unemployed habitual criminal is likely to go to jail for a minor offence.

    A person with a good job, no criminal record and so is unlikely to go to jail.

    You can get locked up for anything, if you are unrepentent then you might go to jail.

    Don't worry about it, it is just Aussies talking.

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