
Hey i got a rolled ankle..............

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hey does anyone know how to look after a rolled ankle??




  1. air casts helpp

  2. You need to ice on and off for 30 minutes and elevate it

    If you are in high school and you play sports you need to go into the training room before practice/games they will have you ice your ankle as well as do some strengthening exercises after that they should rap it up for extra support while you play.

  3. Ice, elevation, wrap it with an ace bandage, and alternate Tylenol and Ibuprofin for the pain.

  4. elevate, ice it, and take ibprophen.  if its not broken or fractured then it will heal soon

  5. wtf is a rolled ankle?

    sounds sick!

  6. wrap it up, air cast and when its healed wear ankle brace

  7. Done it plenty of times myself. First thing is to stay off of it as much as possible, especially if you can't bear weight on it.  You can get a pair of crutches at Wal-mart if you need to.

    The next thing is RICE

    Rest: stay off of it as much as possible.  That doesn't just mean hobbling around on crutches either, it means trying to stay off of your feet and keeping the injured ankle elevated as much as possible

    Ice: ice helps to reduce the swelling and also helps with the pain.  A couple of ibupropen can also help with this, both the pain and inflammation.  In general ice your an for 15 mins on and then 15 mins off for 2 cycles about every 4 hours.  Make sure you place something between the ice pack and your skin.  This is important because placing it directly on the skin can lead to frostbite

    Compression: find some kind of brace or use an ace bandage to help keep your ankle/foot imobile.  This will also help with the swelling and give it support when you try to bear weight on it.  Make sure that if you use an ace bandage or brace that you don't put it on to tightly.  Check for warmth and circulation before and after applying it.  Also important, make sure you remove it when you go to bed.

    Elevation: keep your foot elevated as much as possible.  When you're sitting prop it up in a chair.  But as much as possible try to keep your foot above your heart.  This will again help with the swelling.

    The other thing, if it doesn't start feeling better in a couple of days I'd recommend going to see a doctor to rule out a fracture.  A lot of people don't realize that you can walk if you have a fracture in you foot/ankle and it's possible to do when you turn your ankle.  Acutally a have bone chip in my ankle as a result of not knowing that I broke it when I was younger.

    But most importantly take care of it.  I used to turn my ankles and sprained them more times than I can count but I was too stubborn and stupid to take care of them when I was younger and now my right ankle is trashed.

  8. ice....lots of ice.

    and wrap it in an ace bandage

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