
Hey i hav a project due tom on famous manmade mexican objects?

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hey i hav no ifo i cannot find any info anywhere im so mad so if yall could plz help me by finding some info on manmade objects of mexico i would realy appriciate it




  1. Well, even tho you have waited til the last minute...I hope you learn a lot from this project.  I believe your teacher is probably thinking of the many ANCIENT objects from the the Aztec, Mayan, and Olmec cultures that are found in Mexico...but you could include info on the most famous modern day structure in Mexico too.  There are MANY websites with info on these, and as you look at the sites below and choose things to discuss in your can look up other sites with more info.  The sites below just introduce you to some ideas..there is tons more info...just put key words in the search bar  to get more info on certain "pyramids," "Olmecs," "Mexican art."   you will find so much info , youwill have to narrow down what type you will use in your project.  Good luck with your work.

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