
Hey i have been waching yoor site for donks...lay of the so called chavs?

by  |  earlier

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i am on the dole but i have to help my chick look after our 4 yes 4 kids. i dont drink every night i only drink at week ends and i only drink outside cos drink is so expensiv inside the pub. i do you lot no harm so chill out




  1. The dole is our money. So you are effectively stealing from the public purse. You deserve to lose the vote, lose your balls, lose your freedom and lose your kids.

    Maybe then scum like you will realise that I wasn't put on this Earth just to feed you.

  2. Yeah, fair enough. So you're ok. I'll take your word for it.

    But it's the rest of the Burberry wearing, cheap cider drinking little tossers who think it's fun to through half bricks at firemen I've got a problem with.

    And if you look like them you'll get called the same names.

    Ah but mate, don't come on here and say you're on the dole with four kids... you're making yourself a target for the self righteous who reckon everyone should work for themselves.

  3. You do us harm by living off us, bringing kids into the world who will probably follow your example and then whingeing about it.

    Chav is too kind a name for an illiterate lazy leech.

  4. no  ,  what  you  going  to  do  beat me  up  LOL

  5. yeah right, chav maybe, stupid prat definately !

  6. I don't believe it Gary Lineker drunk again and talking daft.  Why do I have to work with the jug-eared c.nt?

  7. And on top of all that you're Level 1...

    an account specifically created for this question.

  8. Not a question

  9. The way  you worded  your question is not doing you any favours. You say you are on the dole but don't mention looking for work, that's going to get most people who work hard,'s backs up for a  start as they pay their taxes etc . You refer to your partner as your 'chick' what self respecting male, never mind father of 4 children would speak like that?  You empathise you have 4 kids (are they baby goats?) as if we should all be shocked and you help your partner look after them. Okay she has her hands full but there are many of us with 4  or more children who's partner goes out to work and we have to manage. You are lucky on the dole that you can manage to drink at weekends, most people with 4 of a family even if earning would find that hard.  Also where I live it is a criminal offence to drink outside.  Nobody would grudge you a couple of cans or whatever at the weekend and if you did this in moderation I am sure it could be done indoors in the comfort of your home. Next time THINK before you post on here and if you put a point over properly you may get more empathy from those answering. Incidentally, I am even usure if this is a genuine postings. You say you are been watching this site for donks but you seem to be new on here unless you previously had another identity???

  10. As long as you get a job eventually and don't start pointless fights on anyone weaker than you (coz chavs only start on people they think are weak, that's why they never f**k with me and my mates) it's fine by me son. 4 kids is a bit extreme though, I don't even want 1 they're too much hassle. Pub beer is expensive - thanks to our S****y government. I drink a load of cans before I go to the pub it's cheaper.

  11. Am i really concurring with red chrome.   you are a clown

  12. well done for just drinking at the weekends! wow - must take a lot of will power.

    and also, great for helping your chick with YOUR kids, using your dole money - excellent use of taxpayers money.

    hopefully you dont help them with their school work tho.... your spellings atrocious!

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