
Hey i need everyone's help for this!!?

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hey i have just entered a poetry contest and i need votes i am really trying to go far in poetry and this is a started?

just go to and search"casey aldaco"and click on my poem and vote:):):):):):)

i will be pleased to return the favor




  1. The guy above is right.  It's a total scam.  Any of those type of places are and there are tons of them.

  2. I am not saying this to rain on your parade but  is a scam. I promise you that they will want to publish your poem in their big book for the year. Then they will want you to buy that book.

  3. I am sooo sorry, but they are right. My sister was on that site for a while and they did say that her poem was to be published in their book. What they didn't say was that you have to buy the book.

  4. As you wish.

  5. A friend of mine also got scammed on this one.

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