
Hey i need help for a 14 year old boy dat needs discipline?

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My lil cousin is at the point where he fights his mom and noone want him leaving in their house. He comes in the house at 2 and 3 am. So we are at the point where he needs to go away for a while to get some discipline. Do you know where a place in ga or fl or somewhere near that where a 14 year old can go for discipline? plz help me! any suggestions or comments are allow. and if you can give me the website or the phone number. thanks!




  1. it part of teenage life im still a teenager

    im 13

    if u really want to discipline him send him to boot camp

    go0d luck =]

  2. He can get discipline right at home you know. Some one just needs to put their foot down with him and get his respect back, which won't be easy from the sound of things.  

    But if no one is willing to do that for him then I guess you should probably contact local churches and enroll him in some programs with them, maybe community service so you know where he is when he's not at home or at school. Also try the local police stations, they have youth programs usually.

    Hope everything works out for his sake.

  3. His mom needs be doing the discipline not someone else.

  4. My advice would be to have your Aunt file a CHINS (Child in Need of Services) with the court. This way your cousin will get the help he needs while it covers the backside of your Aunt (because legally she is trying to help him instead of being deemed an unfit parent if he gets into some sort of trouble).

    Here is some more information about that:

    My mother filed one on me when I was 14 and a wild child to say the least. It was the best move she ever made! I got the help I needed (including a psychiatric evaluation, school help, etc.) and I got on the straight and narrow path again.

    Good luck!

  5. call a family counselor. Good luck.

  6. Yes his daddy's house.Unless daddy is dead or in prison or a criminal type, drop him off at his dad's or send him to boot camp.Even if you have to send him out of state.Also set up a time with the state prison warden for one of the convicts to show your boy around.

  7. only parents should be teaching the kids discipline... since they rightfully know the child more than anyone else. for example if a teacher spanks you for being bad, the kid wont care

  8. OK where is the parents here i dont see Ne one trying to do anything on ur own....u shouldnt have to go out of state to control the child. I am kinda upset that ur letting then leave the house that late......give them kerphew and if they are late then ground them, set boundries!

  9. Be a gaurdian before you just ship him off.

    It may not be his fault he doesnt know discipline, maybe if someone taught him to do better, he may be better. Just a thought.

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