
Hey i was just wondering if a white/red deck is usefull??

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hey i was wondering i have made a white and red deck its sorta a white burner but the white side is all about life gaining and protection because it has circle of protecting from everything but green and artifacts and it has cards like glasses of urza, chilen of korlis, aven riftwatcher, the dawn charm to prevent all damage and i have about 2 or 3 of each of these in my deck the red side is for burning there life like it has lowcost cards like shock and sizzle that could take life away at a descent rate which is why i call it the whiteburner. so has anyone tried this if so please tell me if its a good idea or not?




  1. If you are looking for a more aggressive r/w deck, look up a deck called Boros Deck Wins. It's chocked full of burn and very fast creatures.

    If you want to go the more controlling route, look up a deck called r/w Astral Slide.

  2. I've tried that out but it was a long time ago.  If you are going with that route, I would suggest cards from Ravnica, Apocalypse or Eventide.  They are enemy colored sets.  You will find a good supply of red/white cards that react to each other pretty well.

    The main thing I would suggest is Protection from Red.  Since you will probably be doing damage to yourself or your own creatures.  That way, you will survive and your creatures will survive.  Story Circle is the best way to go with this.  Since you can choose any color you want protection from.  Also, weenies is the best way to go.  Just burn through the defenses and beatdown for the win.

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