
Hey i was wondering if anyone knows any brazilian jiu-jutsu schools online.?

by  |  earlier

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first off i don't know if i spelled it right. If anyone knows what i am talking about could they just make a list of the web pages that they found or something. it has to do with grappling and submission tactics so i thought it would be really cool to know some moves from it thanks!




  1. youtube


    But here's the thing; while these sites can show you moves, it's of no real use to them unless you're practicing them. And practicing techniques is no good, unless you're practicing them correctly. Without a partner to practice them on, and a qualified instructor to guide you on technique, you won't be practicing correctly -- hence you won't become competent.

    Learning through videos and manuals are supplements, and not a substitute, for real training.  

  3. the only real way to learn "really cool moves" is in person with a qualified instructor.  Trying to do it by watching a video mostly doesn't work because there is no one to correct the mistakes you will make.   You have to have live practice in order to program your muscles to do the moves correctly and to get the timing.

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