
Hey i was wondering if hiring a car in spain is cheaper alternative then getting a train from pamp to madrid.?

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I.e We would get the car hired in madrid and drive to pamplona for the bullrunning and then drive back and drop off the car in madrid.. I heard its quite cheap??




  1. Check europcar.  i think that was the name of the place we rented from.  It wasn't terribly expensive to rent a car, but parking costs up the wazoo there.  (like 30 - 50€/day - probably more for the feria).  Gas prices last year were about 1€-liter, and I would definitely NOT recommend driving in Madrid.  It is a total cluster!  Keep the car in a lot near the superhighway, that way, you take the metro to the lot, get in the car, and shoot out of town.  

    Take my advice on this...driving in the city is outrageous!

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