
Hey i would like to know how does a thermus lose heat and why inside is silver and not black?

by Guest61759  |  earlier

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Hey i would like to know how does a thermus lose heat and why inside is silver and not black?




  1. One of the best insulators to contain heat is a vacuum. But because of the laws of physics, there will always be heat that escapes. The heat escapes by conduction, which is when molecules bump into each other. Silver reflects more radiation than black because black actually isn't a color. It is the absence of color. That is why black absorbs everything.

  2. The inside of a thermus is silver because silver reflects heat better than black. Also generally darker materials absorb more heat. Go out in a sunny day with a black t shirt then in a white one. you should notice the difference.

    As for why it loses heat. I would imagine it eventually loses it through heat conduction.

  3. Yeah ... IDK

    I would think that it is silver because that the color of the metal that they put in the thermus... and there are some thermus's that dont loose heat.. u are just gonna pay a pretty penny for them. I had a friend that had a coffee thermus that had hot coffee in it for like 3days and it was scorching hot...  so I guess it depends on what metal they use.

  4. The idea is that it loses minimal heat because of

    Shiny silver exterior is a low radiation surface

    Vacuum between walls is an excellent insulator

    Silvered interior reflects most, absorbs least heat radiated from contents

  5. nature abhors a vacuum and theres no such thing as a perfect seal. hence, a vacuum(thermos) bottle loses heat. as far as the color of the inside, it wouldn't matter. there is no solar factor. btw, that silver lining will turn black with enough coffee ran thru it.

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