
Hey im considering taking kickboxing.but wts the difference from takin lessons to hittin the punchbag at home?

by Guest21591  |  earlier

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Iv done martial arts and karate before so i know some kicks to do at home.whats the difference in goin to lessons ?




  1. With lessons you learn to do it properly.  

  2. Ok, the difference can be compared to learning biology from reading a book at home versus learning it in a classroom with a teacher for guidance.

    By taking classes, you can get great feedback on what you're doing right and what you're doing wrong. This instant diagnosis can tell you where to focus your time and show you how to fix your problem areas so that you're not wasting time trying to learn every little thing. With instant instruction, you can be shown new styles, techniques, and methods that you might otherwise not have thought of. With expert instruction, you can be shown special drills and exercises to help you train more efficiently and to prevent injury. Best of all, you will meet other fighters and hopefully have a great time and be more likely to stick with kickboxing and get better at it while having more fun. In conclusion, there's really no comparison and nothing beats having great instruction from masters who have spent 15 years or more in the sport.  

  3. If you don't know "what's the difference?" then you obviously still need the lessons.  

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