
Hey. im fourteen and i really want to be a interior designer as my carreer is there any way i can prepare now?

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Hey. im fourteen and i really want to be a interior designer as my carreer is there any way i can prepare now?




  1. Check out high schools that specialize in that area.  Maybe check FIT and see if that school is right for you.  You can still transfer to a school that will prepare you for it.  So good luck!!!

  2. Just start designing things make a card board box and think of it as a room and just let your designer mind run wild. Good Luck...

  3. Here is a link on some different online schools for this..Now is a great time to start preparing for this at your age..The sooner the better if you know this is what you want to do... These links I know nothing about them personally but I posted them as an careful of any online schools you dedicate yourself to...Get an adult to look over all of the pros and cons of each one before commiting..simply type in on your search engine"how to become an interior designer'..and you will get tons of results..JUST MAKE SURE A ADULT IS PRESENT BEFORE ANY COMMITMENT..

    You can start preparing and learning now..however at your age a school may not take you yet..but you can still pursue the knowledge and  know how to do so..There is a federal grant called a pell grant that if you qualify will loan you the money to pay for the schooling..but then again at 14 I do not know thier age is a link on this..You never have to pay the money back here if accepted

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