
Hey im going on a plane?

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im going on a plane in a coulple hors do u have any advise on how to keep my self occupied and do u have any more advise how do get over my fear of being in plane?




  1. honestly its not scary at all take off and landing are a piece of cake but u mite feel pressure in your heade so make sure u pop ur ears when u get off plane

  2. watch movies or read a book.  have a happy trip :)

  3. Bring an ipod, nintendo ds, psp, whatever and a good book. Make sure you like it though because you don't want to be stuck in a plane or delay with nothing to do and a bad book! Bring a camera to take pictures and remember this day (I know sounds stupid). Also, take a pen, you never know when you have to fill out cards or something.

    I know it's scary, you're like omg how can this hold all the weight? Well planes are very safe. If it wasn't why would everyone in the world be traveling on planes every second? It is safer than traveling in a car. I know crazy right? Make sure you keep your seatbelt on at all times even if the sign is off.

    The pilots are highly trained for anything. You are in good hands. Ask the in-flight crew or flight attendents if you have questions. Be polite. They have to go through the same stuff every day. Like passengers saying "I don't like this and this is a horrible airline". They try they're best to be poilte so you try your best to be polite as well.

    Meditate. It can help sometimes. After take-off it's not that scary. It's like you're on ground except for the noise.

    Take gum for take-off and landing because the change in pressure can "POP" your ears. LOL.

    Actually, I feel the flight is a part of the trip. The excitment and building up to that special day is all part of a memorable experience.

    Just think positive and be super excited! So please take your seat, make sure all tray-tables are stowed, put your seat in the upright position, and fasten your seatbealt.

    Have a safe and enjoyable flight.


  4. sleep, sleep sleep, works like a charm

  5. Sleeping is the best thing to do one a plane besides watching a movie. If its a short flight just listen to music.

  6. Bring along something to read if you are into that...books, magazines, whatever will hold enough interest to keep your mind off of flying. Do you have an iPod? Distracting myself with music is the best way to keep me from focusing on the fact that i'm not crazy about flying. Just think of an activity you enjoy (that can be done on a plane) and take something along with you so you aren't thinking about what is actually going on. Its hard to just get over a fear like that, but keeping your mind on something else can definitely help you get through it.

  7. there is medicine.

    and take a laptop..magazines..sleep?

    draw/ TV...listen to music...


    hope i helped some

  8. mmmm bring a game r a book and as far as the fear take deep breaths

  9. I hate planes, they're borrrrring. I usually take sleepin aid to fall asleep, that way 2 hrs will past by like nothing! Watch movies they play, that would make time go by faster.

  10. Read, or listen to an iPod.

    And always think postive.

  11. Ipod, Laptop, books, pillow, drawing materials. There is always inflight movies

  12. Wow, too bad you didn't write this last week.  I too have a fear of flying, but whenever I fly, I get a prescription tranquilizer from my doctor and I'm fine.  He said lots of his patients request something to help them get through a flight.  Practice deep breathing and close your eyes.  Keep telling yourself that everything is fine.  Depending on how long your flight is bring a good book, some magazines, a crossword puzzle or two or your iPod.  Good luck!

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